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What is Thomism?
What is a Thomist? This is a hotly debated topic, and one that is probably not helpful to put too much stress on.
An all too easy answer to this question would be to say that Thomism is the body of doctrines espoused by St. Thomas, especially the ones that set him apart from his medieval contemporaries and defined his followers as a school. Here is a short list by way of illustration of some of Aquinas's most controversial doctrines among scholastics:
Aquinas held that there is only one substantial form in a substance ("the unicity of substantial form").
He held against the universal hylomorphists that angels are not composed of matter and form.
He held that everything said of God and creatures is said by analogy, not univocally, a view that was rejected by John Duns Scotus a generation later.
He held that in all creatures essence and being (esse) are really distinct.
This way of defining Thomism, which was epitomized in the approval of the "24 Thomistic Theses" in 1914, is much too restrictive and somewhat circular. Thomism is definitely not a well-defined and fixed body of doctrines. It is much more like Wittgenstein's thread, where no fiber (of doctrine in this case) carries through the entire length and, yet, the thread exhibits an observable unity (PI I, 67).
Similarly, Thomism cannot simply be defined by doctrinal proximity to Aquinas. Many Thomists, especially in modern times, are probably further from him in doctrine than, say, Albert the Great, Bonaventure, or Scotus. All these medieval thinkers thought that the basic building blocks of the sublunary realm were the four elements, that the Earth was the center of the universe, that the angels moved the celestial bodies in unchanging orbits by telekinesis, that the heart was a sense organ, and so on. Yet, it would be very strange to say that any of them was a Thomist. Ultimately, then, being a Thomist to some extent depends on considering oneself a Thomist as a necessary, but not sufficient condition. It is also important to note that the level of doctrinal agreement with Aquinas and familiarity with his work that leads one to say, that person is a Thomist, varies quite a bit between eras and, even today, within different subdisciplines or contexts.
Provisional definition: Thomism can provisionally be defined as a broad movement that embraces a host of different schools and independent thinkers since the death of St. Thomas (1225–1274) and which is broadly characterized by the Thomist's strong familiarity with the writings of St. Thomas and a belief that, in some way, these writings are normative for the Thomist's own thinking in a way that sets the Thomist off from others who are not classified as Thomists.
Context matters: Whenever we classify a thinker by putting him or her in a certain school, we do so primarily in order to distinguish him or her from other schools. Thus, classifying someone as a "Thomist" is, first and foremost, contextual. In the Middle Ages and, by extension, in the field of medieval studies and in the modern scholastic tradition, if someone is called a Thomist, it is primarily by way of contrast with a Scotist or an Ockhamist or nominalist (usually Franciscans). Sometimes it is also intended to contrast a Thomist with a Suarezian, though, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, it was more common than today to see Suarezianism as a Jesuit variety of Thomism distinct from the Dominican variety. The primary areas of dispute in these medieval or scholastic debates are (1) the unicity of the substantial form, (2) the nature of prime matter, (3) the distinction between essence and esse, (4) the analogy of being, and (5) the problem of universals.
In the context of mainstream Anglophone metaphysics, however, the theories in reference to which someone is classified a "Thomist" are not Ockhamist or Scotistic, but theories, in metaphysics, such as bundle theory, fourdimensionalism, and realism about possible worlds, or, in ethics, such as consequentialism, deontology, and emotivism. The criteria for being a Thomist in reference to such theories will, obviously, be very different from the criteria for being a Thomist in reference to Ockham or Scotus.
Some Contemporary Schools of Thomism and Paradigmatic Members
Some Contemporary Schools of Thomism and Paradigmatic Members
Below is a brief overview of the different contemporary "schools" of Thomism. The following categorization is admittedly oversimplified, but sufficiently informative nonetheless for beginners looking to figure out the general landscape of contemporary Thomism. Readers will notice that some of these schools overlap, and the fact that a thinker is in one school does not necessarily mean he or she is not in another school as well. Moreover, many thinkers (the vast majority) don't fall cleanly into any category. Those who do are normally the founders of that school. Readers should note that I've had to coin some new designations for the various schools in order to cut reality at the joints. Readers will also note that this division, while not ignoring doctrine, is primarily sociological, not doctrinal.
Analytic Thomism: This form of Thomism is characterized primarily not by any of its doctrines, but by its main interlocutors or debate partners. Analytic Thomists are engaged in dialogue with mainstream Anglophone philosophers of the last hundred or so years (loosely speaking, "analytic philosophers"). Because of its dialogue partners, analytic Thomists tend to employ the logical tools and idiom of mainstream anglophone philosophy. Just as "analytic philosophy" is used as a catch-all label for very different groups in the UK, North America, and other parts of the English-speaking (and even, sometimes, German-speaking) world, the same goes for "analytic Thomism."
E.g., Peter Geach (esp. reconciling Fregean and medieval semantics and philosophy of being), G. E. M. Anscombe (student of Wittgenstein, major contributions to ethics), Anthony Kenny, Christopher Martin , Norman Kretzmann, Eleonore Stump, David Oderberg, Edward Feser, Brian Davies, OP, John Haldane, Jeff Brower, Tim Pawl, Robert Koons.
Aristotelian Thomism: This broad collection of schools is characterized by seeing a very close proximity between the thought of Aquinas and of Aristotle and in emphasizing the importance of form and substance in Aquinas's thought, relative to existential Thomists. This form of Thomism is sometimes loosely associated with Laval, where Ralph McInerny studied, and which he described as teaching Aquinas's philosophy from his commentaries on Aristotle. This form of Thomism tends to be suspicious of (though not in principle opposed to) claims to development in Aquinas's thought, and it reads his works holistically as mutually clarifying.
Analytic Neo-Scholastic Thomists: These Thomists draw inspiration from the early twentieth-century scholastic manual tradition for addressing modern analytic debates. (E.g., Edward Feser, David Oderberg.)
River Forest Thomists: These Thomists are characterized by their emphasis on studying natural science and for their controversial opinion that one cannot do metaphysics without first proving the existence of an incorporeal substance in natural science / natural philosophy. (E.g., Benedict Ashley, OP; Thomas O'Brien, OP; William Wallace, OP; James Weisheipl, OP; Ralph McInerny.)
Lawrence Dewan, OP: Rejects the River Forest thesis about the origin of metaphysics.
Existential Thomism (taken very broadly): This title, while conventional is rather misleading. Aristotelian Thomists too talk about "existence." Existential Thomists are broadly characterized by seeing the act of being (actus essendi) as something distinct from merely being something—for instance, being a man or a dog. They tend to view Aquinas as a highly original thinker primarily because of what he says about "the act of being" (actus essendi / actus entis).
Existential Thomism (taken less broadly): Thomists who hold that there are two operations of the intellect corresponding, respectively, to essence and existence, and that we know existence by the second operation of the intellect, called "judgment."
Gilsonian Thomism (aka Toronto Thomism, Existential Thomism taken narrowly): Adds to existential Thomism taken broadly a belief that Aquinas radically departed from the essentialistic metaphysics of Aristotle and that the Dominican commentatorial tradition on Aquinas overlooked the existential character of his thought; rejects claim that there is a concept of existence. (E.g., Etienne Gilson; Joseph Owens, CSsR; Armand Maurer, CSB; John F. X. Knasas.)
Maritainian Thomism: Takes a more irenic view toward Aristotle and the Dominican commentatorial tradition; puts forward controversial theory of an "intuition of being" that result in a concept of being, rejected by Gilson. (E.g., Jacques Maritain.)
Cornelio Fabro: Emphasizes the Neoplatonic sources of Thomistic metaphysics and rejects Gilson and Maritain's understanding of the two operations of the intellect; makes the method of "resolutio," not the second operation of the intellect, the key to the metaphysical cognition of being.
John Wippel: Heavily influenced by both Gilson and Fabro, but not beholden to either. Accepts Fabro-style theory of resolutio, but also Gilsonian theory of second operation of the intellect. Accepts Fabro's distinction between actual existence and the act of being, something not found in Gilson or Maritain.
The New Natural Law: This is a school, founded in the late twentieth century, specifically focused on philosophy of law and ethics (especially bioethics). While initially closely linked with Thomas Aquinas, it is now generally recognized that, for better or worse, it departs significantly from Thomas's natural law theory. Its basic doctrine is that morally right action requires not acting against a set of mutually incommensurable "basic good."
E.g., Germain Grisez, Joseph Boyle, John Finnis, Patrick Lee.
Suarezian Thomists: This is a rather small tradition of twentieth-century Thomists, who, regardless of their thoughts on other topics, have devoted considerable effort to showing that St. Thomas did not hold a real distinction between essence and esse (usually translated "existence") in creatures, but held something more akin to the position of Siger of Brabant or Francisco Suárez, SJ. Since the early twentieth-century, these arguments have, unfortunately, been generally disregarded without comment.
E.g., Marcel Chossat, SJ; Pedro Descoqs, SJ; Francis Cunningham, SJ.
Transcendental Thomism: Most of the members of this school have been Jesuits. The school is loosely united by a common focus on epistemology and on a broad debt to Immanuel Kant.
E.g., Joseph Maréchal, SJ; Karl Rahner, SJ; Bernard Lonergan, SJ.
Phenomenological Thomism: This is a very loose category of Thomist, which may well overlap with the other categories. It is the best way to characterize Stein and Woltyła, who were both heavily influenced by Edmund Husserl and had a broad openness to other scholastic traditions, such as the Scotistic and Bonaventurean philosophical tradition as well as a deep knowledge of the thought of St. Thomas.
E.g., Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, OCD); Karol Woltyła (John Paul II); Hans Urs von Balthasar; W. Norris Clarke, SJ; Mark Spencer.
Books et al. about Thomism
What is Thomism? (Some Different Opinions)
Bonino, Serge-Thomas, OP. "The Thomist Tradition." Nova et Vetera 8, no. 4 (2010):869–81.
Cessario, Romanus, OP, and Cajetan Cuddy, OP. Thomas and the Thomists: The Achievement of Thomas Aquinas and his Interpreters. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2017.
McCool, Gerald, SJ. From Unity to Pluralism: The Internal Evolution of Thomism. New York: Fordham University Press, 1989.
McInerny, Ralph. Thomism in the Age of Renewal. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1966.
Levering, Matthew and Marcus Plested, eds. The Oxford Handbook of the Reception of Aquinas. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.
Vijgen, Jörgen. "What is a Thomist? The Contribution of John of St. Thomas."
White, Thomas Joseph, OP. "Thomism after Vatican II."
Wilkins, Jeremy D. “Thomism as a Tradition of Understanding.” The Thomist 85, no. 2 (2021): 247–93.
Thomistic Encyclicals / Magisterial Documents
Leo XIII, Aeterni Patris (1879) [The founding document of the (long) twentieth-century Thomistic revival]
Pius XI, Studiorum ducem (1923)
Vatican II, Gravissimum educationis (1965)
John Paul II, Fides et Ratio (1998)
Benedict XVI, General Audience on St. Thomas Aquinas (June 2, 2010)
Further reading:
"The Popes on St. Thomas" [Thomas Aquinas College].
Ramirez, Jacob, OP. "The Authority of St. Thomas Aquinas." The Thomist 15, no. 1 (1952): 1–109. [Basically a 100-page article of quotations.]
Lengthier Histories of Thomism
General Overview
Cesario, Romanus, OP. A Short History of Thomism. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2005.
Kennedy, Leonard, CSB. A Catalogue of Thomists, 1270–1900. Houston, TX: Center for Thomistic Studies, 1987.
The Medieval Thomists
Kaeppeli, Thomas, and Emilio Panella, eds. Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum Medii Aevi. 4 vols. Rome: Typis Vaticanis, 1970–1993.
Roensch, Frederick. The Early Thomistic School. Dubuque: Priory Press, 1964.
D'Ettore, Dominic. Analogy after Aquinas: Logical Problems, Thomistic Answers. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2019. [While not strictly a history, this book helps to carry forward Roensch's history to later medieval Thomists with regard to one of the key topics in Thomistic metaphysics.]
Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Thomism
Boyle, Leonard, OP. “A Remembrance of Pope Leo XIII: The Encyclical Aeterni Patris.” In One Hundred Years of Thomism, edited by Victor Brezik, 7–22. Houston: The Center for Thomistic Studies, 1981.
Carola, Joseph, SJ. Engaging the Church Fathers in Nineteenth-Century Catholic Theology: The Patristic Legacy of the Scuola Romana. Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Academic, 2023. [While not about the history of Thomism as such, this book looks at the history of the school of patristic resourcement centered at the Roman College in Rome, the end of which roughly coincided with the Leonine Thomistic revival and the Thomistic takeover of that same Jesuit university.]
McCool, Gerald, SJ. The Neo-Thomists. Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University Press, 1994.
McCool, Gerald, SJ. From Unity to Pluralism: The Internal Evolution of Thomism. New York: Fordham University Press, 1989.
Owens, Joseph, CSsR. St. Thomas and the Future of Metaphysics. The Aquinas Lecture, 1957. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1973.
Short Chronology of Thomists w/ Links to Biographies & Bibliographies
Purpose and Methodology
This chronology is not a scientific or anywhere near an exhaustive list of authors writing in the Thomistic tradition. The dates have not been collected in a scholarly fashion, but from here and there on the internet, including Wikipedia or other reference sources. I have even simplified some of the dates for the sake of making the page more readable. This chronology is merely meant to serve as a helpful devise for visualizing and becoming familiar with some of the prominent names associated with the Thomistic "school," their relative times in history, and their affiliation with various religious orders (e.g., the Dominicans [OP], the Jesuits [SJ], and so on). I have limited this list to authors who are deceased.
For a much longer and more detailed list of Thomists, see:
Kennedy, Leonard, C.S.B. A Catalogue of Thomists, 1270–1900. Houston, TX: Center for Thomistic Studies, 1987.[For the most part, for authors coverd in this Kennedy's catalogue, I have followed his dating even though, in some cases, more accurate dates can now be given.]
For a comprehensive reference work on the writings of medieval Dominicans, see:
Kaeppeli, Thomas, and Emilio Panella, eds. Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum Medii Aevi. 4 vols. Rome: Typis Vaticanis, 1970–1993.
What I present below is a tiny fraction of the authors listed in Kennedy's work (plus authors from the twentieth century). Apart from the more well-known authors today, I have picked other ones (not entirely) at random in order to give a slight indication of the variety of the authors unknown and little studied today. Often I chose lesser known authors because of some aspect of their work or locale that stood out from Kennedy's list.
For the twentieth-century thomists, I am working on collecting links to bibliographies, biographies, and collected / complete works projects for the different authors.
Chronology of Thomists 1274–Today
Thirteenth and Fourteenth Century
Peter of Tarentasia, OP (d. 1276)
Reginald of Piperno, OP (d. 1280)
Peter of Auvergne (d. 1304)
John of Erfurt, OFM (fl. 1305)
James of Viterbo, OSA (c. 1255–1308)
Peter Calo, OP (d. 1310)
Bencius of Alexandria, OP (fl. 1310)
Thomas of Sutton, OP (d. 1315)
Hervaeus Natalis, OP (d. 1323)
William of Tocco, OP (d. 1323)
Conrad of Prussia (fl. 1323)
John of Parma, OP (fl. 1324)
Bartholemew of Lucca, OP (1245?–1327)
Philip of Ferrara, OP (fl. 1330)
Benedict de Asignano, OP (fl. 1339)
Gregory Akindynos (fl. 1340)
John of Naples, OP (d. 1350?)
John of Bischofsdorf, OP (fl. 1350)
Peter Roger, OSB (Clement VI) (1291–1352)
Fifteenth Century
Vincent Ferrer, OP (d. 1419)
Dominic of Flanders, OP (d. 1422)
James Arigonus, OP (d. 1435)
Louis of Valladolid, OP (d. 1436)
John Capreolus, OP (d. 1444)
John de Torquemada, OP (1388–1468)
Henry Nolt, OFM (d. 1474)
Leonard of Ragusa, OP (d. 1480)
Gerard de Monte (d. 1480)
Clement of Zoutelande, OP (fl. 1485)
John Argyropoulos (1415–1487)
Casper Grunewald, OP (fl. 1490)
Paul Soncinas, OP (d. 1494/5)
Girolamo Savonarola, OP (1452–1498)
Sixteenth Century
John of Werd, OP (d. 1510)
Francis Silvestro de Ferrara, OP (1474–1528)
Thomas de Vio Cajetan, OP (1469–1534)
Chrysostom Javellus, OP (fl. 1538)
Anothony Beccaria, OP (d. 1534)
Paul of Cremona, OP (d. 1545)
Francis of Vitoria, OP (c. 1480?–1546)
Melchor Cano, OP (1505?–1560)
Henry Benedictus, OCD (fl. 1590)
Seventeenth Century
Dominigo Báñez, OP (1528–1604)
Francisco Suárez, SJ (1548–1617)
Peter Girardel, OP (1575?–1633)
John Testafort, OP (1575?–1644)
John of St. Thomas, OP (1589–1644)
Dominic Dunant, OP (1593?–1646)
Francis Deurwerders, OP (1616?–1666)
John Baptist Verjuys, OP (fl. 1667)
Raymond Mailhat, OP (1611–1693)
Eighteenth Century
Augustine Adler, OP (1643–1712)
Ambrose Peretius, OP (1671–1712)
Paul Mary Canninus, OP (d. 1716)
Thomas-Mary Ferrari, OP (1647–1716)
John Villalva, OP (1669–1722)
John Baptist Ininger, OP (d. 1730)
Beatus Amrhyn, SJ (1655–1731)
Alphonse of the Angels, OCD (1663–1737)
Alphonse Wenzl, OSB (1660–1743)
Nineteenth Century
Joseph Kleutgen, SJ (1811–1883)
Giuseppe Pecchi, SJ (1807–1890)
Tommaso Maria Zigliara, OP (1833–1893)
Twentieth Century
Reginald Beaudouin, OP (1842–1907)
Pierre Rousselot, SJ (1878–1915)
Norberto del Prado, OP (1852–1918)
Désiré-Joseph Mercier (1851–1926)
Marcel Chossat, SJ (1863–1926)
Ambrose Gardeil, OP (1859–1931)
Joseph August Gredt, OSB (1863–1940)
Benoît-Henri Merkelbach, OP (1871–1942)
Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, OCD) (1891–1942)
Joseph Maréchal, SJ (1878–1944)
Pedro Descoqs, SJ (1877–1946)
Maurice de Wulf (1867–1947) [Bibl. (Van Steenberghen 1948)]
Antonin Gilbert Sertillanges, OP (1863–1948)
Gallus Manser, OP (1866–1950)
Yves Simon (1903–1961)
Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, OP (1877–1964) [Bibl. (Zorcolo 1965)][Bio (Peddicord 2004)]
Marie-Dominique Roland-Gosselin, OP
Charles De Koninck (1906–1965) [Bibl.] [Collected Works]
Ignatius T. Eschmann, OP (1898–1968)
Joseph Clifford Fenton (1906–1969) [Diaries]
George Klubertanz, OP (1912–1972)
Jacques Maritain (1882–1973) [Oevres complètes, 17 vols.] [English Collected Works, 20 vols.] [Bio (McInerny, 2003)]
Etienne Gilson (1884–1978) [Bibl. (McGrath 1982)] [Bibl. EPHE] [Bio (Shook 1984)]
Bernard Lonergan, SJ (1904–1984) [Collected Works, 25 vols.]
Karl Rahner, SJ (1904–1984) [Archive] [Bibl. (März 2018)] [Bibl. of English trans.] [Collected Works (Germ.)] [Abstracts of Unserialized Essays; Theol. Invest. 1–23]
Eric Voegelin (1901–1985) [Collected Works (Engl.)]
James Weisheipl, OP (1923–1985)
Louis-Marie Régis, OP (1903–1988)
Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905–1988) [Bibl. incl. translations (Capol-Müller 2005)][Engl. bibl. of books and articles by Balthasar; books / articles on Balthasar]
Michel Labourdette, OP (1908–1990)
Fernand van Steenberghen (1904–1993)
Joseph Florent Donceel, SJ (1906–1994)
Frederick Charles Copleston, SJ (1907–1994)
Józef Maria Bocheński, OP (1902–1995)
Cornelio Fabro, CSS (1911–1995) [List of bibl.] [Bibl.] [Opere Complete]
Henry Babcock Veatch (1911–1999)
Leonard Boyle, OP (1923–1999)
Joseph de Finance, SJ (1904–2000)
Mortimer Adler (1902–2001) [Guide to Papers '14–'95 (UChic.)]
Jean-Hervé Nicolas, OP (1910–2001)
Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret (G. E. M.) Anscombe (1919–2001) [Resource page] [Bibl. (Teichmann 2008)]
Joseph Owens, CSsR (1908–2005)
Karol Wojtyła (John Paul II) (1920–2005) [English bibl. (Olzer et al. 1979); Bibl. Wikipedia]
Armand Maurer, CSB (1915–2008)
Victor Brezik, CSB (1913–2009)
Joseph Bobik (1927–2009)
Ralph McInerny (1929–2010) [Autobio] [Bibl. of books (sketchy website)]
Roberto Busa, SJ (1913–2011)
Benedict Ashley, OP (1915–2013)
Peter Geach (1916–2013)
William Wallace, OP (1918–2015) [Bibl. (Dahlstrom 1991)]
Lawrence Dewan, OP (1932–2015)
Jan Aertsen (1938–2016)
James Stromberg (1926–2017)
Leo Elders, SVD (1926–2019) [Partial bibl.]
David Burrell, CSC (1933–2023)
John F. Wippel (1933–2023)